Illustration of the Pierian Spring (DeviantArt)
Knowledge is a very important part of your growth - in particular the accumulation of knowledge. It is what defines you as “human”. The accumulation of knowledge means progress, something which is unique only to our species. We learn, and we use what we have learnt in an effective manner to advance our position in this world.
Pierian Spring is a place where you can find essays/articles on various topics. They range from history to philosophy and essays on personal growth. The idea is that you should get at least some enlightenment about a particular topic. You would leave this website learning something new. All these articles and essays are written by me.
Some information about me - I’m currently a senior at The Hill School in Pottstown, PA. My two favourite fields of study are history and philosophy. I also study classics, and you will definitely see some of that classical influence in the posts. One of my hobbies is to do research on any historical or philosophical topic and then write some essay on it. I decided to put all those essays into Pierian Spring.
In Greek mythology, the Pierian Spring, located in Macedonia, is a very sacred place for the Muses. It is where they get their knowledge and enlightenment. The Pierian Spring began to be seen as a metaphor of knowledge and science as it was popularised by Alexander Pope’s poem An Essay on Criticism.
I put a lot of hard work into these essays and articles. However, I don’t want to keep all this to myself. I want to share these to all who value the accumulation of knowledge, in particular that relating to humanities. I feel it is one of my duties as a good human to share my knowledge with others. I hope you enjoy these posts as much as I love making them. I hope you learn something new!
“A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring”.
An Essay on Criticism (Alexander Pope)